Kipling graduates of 2024 - Receiving their diploma at the Kipling School graduation front row, left to right, are, Autumn Singer, Allison Carlos, Anika Hennink, Morgan Balogh, Bryce Szilagyi, Kassidy Lowenberger, Olivia DeDecker, Madison Shoemaker, Kara Barath, Mia Box, Kory-Lane Heaton-Ross, Aaliyah Carlos, Jheza Aliado and Zyle Diaz. Middle row, left to right, are, Cheyanne Wenneberg, Mia Wyporowich, Jover Chagwasi, Kenneth Quinatagcan, Isai Romero Ramirez, Renn Brickley, Bennet McCarthy, Kieran Rajotte, James Mangalus, Kevin Dela Torre, Dezirae Ealey and Kaylee Joorisity. Back row, left to right, are, Way Doh, Barbod Nokam, Dawson DeClercq, Logan Khounnoraj, Jordan Andres, Liam Teuw, Rowen Pauls, Talan Trail, Joseph Delos Reyes, Kegan Ksenych, Talan Fonoagy, Ethan Draper, Gabe Farnden, Hunter Andrews, Landon Singleton.

Last Saturday, the Kipling Arena glittered with all of the finery worthy of a celebration to mark the occasion, as the Class of 2024 was honoured at the Kipling School Graduation Ceremonies.
Approximately one thousand people welcomed the forty-one graduates as they entered the arena with their parents and took their place on stage. Kevin Hassler (Kipling People’s Church) opened the event with a congratulatory message to the graduates on behalf of the Kipling Ministerial.
Mayor Pat Jackson then offered congratulations to the graduates on behalf of the Town of Kipling, encouraging them to take these lessons with them as they moved forward in their lives.
“Think for yourself. Just because you are told something or read it online, doesn’t make it true. Always ask questions and make certain that what you decide is the right thing for you.
“Be flexible. Remember that not everything that you try will be right for you. But if there is something that draws you – don’t be afraid to try.
“Be open to the possibility that something you never thought would appeal to you might be the perfect fit.
“Never stop learning because every experience will give you the chance to learn.
“And above all, take pride in yourself and make certain that the person staring back at you from the mirror is someone you can be proud of.”
Mrs. Terry Berglund offered greetings from the Prairie Valley School Division and Souris – Moosomin MLA Steven Bonk also offered greetings on behalf of the province.
Guest Speaker Pastor Chad Garris spoke to the graduates about the paradigm shifts that they will face through life as their world views inevitable changes, and talked about the positive impact they can have if they continue to give people the benefit of the doubt as they grow through each of these changes.
MP Doctor Robert Kitchen came forward next, bringing greetings to the graduates on behalf of the Canadian Government and Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre. Dr. Kitchen encouraged the graduates to remember that every ‘last time’ that they encounter in these last few weeks of their high school life and beyond, will inevitably lead to the ‘first time’ for something new.
Mrs. Ashley Dew brought best wishes from the teachers, had the graduates and audience smiling as she spoke of the vibrant and creative ‘zoo’ that the Class of 2024 had often created inside their classroom.
Graduates Mia Wyporowich and Ethan Draper then replied, offering thanks to their teachers for the guidance and support that they had received over the years.
Graduates Morgan Balogh and Jordan Andres brought the Spotlight onto each graduate, introducing them to the audience and offering a humorous prediction of what the future might hold for each.
Principal David Bircher spoke about the way that the graduates, with the support of their teachers, have learned to take responsibility for their education over the years. He noted that as they move forward “The future is in your hands. You still have the support of family and friends. But the responsibility for your own future lies with you and the choices that you make.”
Valedictorian Madison Shoemaker thanked all of those who had worked hard to make the graduation celebration the success that it was. She then offered this advice to her fellow graduates.
“Be confident” is a phrase that is familiar to all students and families gathered here today. It’s an important yet often ignored recommendation, which when followed, can alter the course of your life. Confidence is a powerful tool, it’s an invisible coat of arms which you can wear with pride. It opens doors, fights fears, stimulates courage but most importantly, when used correctly, confidence will be life changing.
“The word confidence can be defined as ‘a feeling of self-assurance arising from one’s appreciation of one’s own abilities or qualities.” This essentially means believing in yourself – no matter what. Many people believe that accomplishing confidence is easier said than done. But I disagree, I believe that confidence is available for those who want it.
“I once had a friend ask me “what do I gain from being confident” and the answer is everything. Everything is possible when you are confident and believe in yourself…My fellow graduates, I know that all of you can accomplish anything that you put your mind to…even when thrown into an unpredictable and uncomfortable situation, confidence will help you rise above the circumstance.
“So, graduating class of 2024, I look forward to hearing about all of your future successes, goals attained, and aspirations achieved. These past years of high school have flown by and it’s now time to celebrate the future! Remember to believe in yourself and embrace confidence.”
These Awards were presented during the ceremonies:
• PVSD Student Leadership Award – Jheza Aliado.
• Director of Education Achievement Award – Madison Shoemaker
• Knights of Colombus Windthorst Council Bursary – Jordan Andres
• Royal Canadian Legion Branch #6 History Scholarship – Jover Chagwasi
• Kipling Royals & Pipestone Beavers Memorial Agricultural Scholarship – Kieran Rajotte
• Andres Trucking Math Award – Zyle Diaz
• Three Sisters Foods Science Achievement Award – Madison Shoemaker
• Student Success Award – Isai Romero Ramierz
• Cornerstone Credit Union Scholarship – Madison Shoemaker
• Chittronics Bursary – Ethan Draper
• Isabel Wilson Memorial Award – Anika Hennink & Kaylee Joorisity
• Lorne Olver Memorial Award – Way Doh
• Vaderstad Industries Inc. Scholarships & Bursaries – Zyle Diaz, Kaylee Joorisity & Olivia DeDecker
• Susan Long English Award – Madison Shoemaker
• EECOL Electric Scholarship – Way Doh
• PIC Never Stop Improving Scholarship – Madison Shoemaker
• Joshua Giroux Memorial Scholarship – Way Doh
• John Mansay Memorial Scholarship – Madison Shoemaker
• Myles DeNora-Labrecque Scholarship – Way Doh
• Governor General’s Medal – Paige Manns (Class of 2023)

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