This Halloween, the most frightening thing that some in our community will face – is hunger.
In order to combat this fearful reality, Kipling Leisure Services and the Kipling Public Library have once again decided to partner in the “Hunger is Scary” Food Drive – (which got underway on October 16th).
Susan Hengen (Leisure Services Manager) says that the “Hunger is Scary” Food Drive helps to bring attention to the reality that hunger exists in the community and what people can do to assist those who are struggling.
“Halloween is a great celebration. People have a chance to get together this year and have some fun – and that’s a good thing. But there are some in our community that are in need. This Food Drive is a good opportunity for us to get together and do something to address that need.”
She notes that the need might be even more acute this year.
“This is the second year for the “Hunger is Scary” Food Drive. Given the rise in the cost of living – it may well be that this Food Drive has become even more important.”
Charla Smyth (Librarian – Kipling Public Library) says that the goal is not only to help people have access to enough food – but also to make sure they can obtain enough nutritious food.
“It’s one thing to be ‘full’. It’s another thing to be well-nourished. The price of everything has risen. But healthy food might be even further out of reach for some.
“It’s incredibly important to make sure that children and young people have access to healthy, nutritious food while they are growing. But that said – it’s equally important for seniors – for all people – to have nutritious food.
“We are welcoming donations of non-perishable food items as well as cash donations at the library. But if people are led to donate some multivitamins for either children and adults as well – that would be welcomed too! Multivitamins can’t replace healthy food. But they can help ensure that people’s basic nutritional needs are met.”
Amanda Smyth (Grade 6 Teacher – Kipling School) says that her students have also decided to become involved in the Hunger is Scary Food Drive – in the hope that they can help to ease some of these fears for families in our community
“We began this process with a class where we discussed change that we want to see in our world. Many topics came up including Hunger, Pollution, Trafficking and Abuse. We eventually broke into small groups to create a small debate/persuasive platform – and students presented their arguments. We then voted and hunger was chosen to be the topic for our Class Action Plan. (We are calling it Students Against Hunger)
“After some background work, the students began making their plan largely on their own (with only a little support and guidance from me!) They decided that they wanted to start by taking part in the Hunger is Scary Food Drive.
“Non-perishable food items can be dropped off at the Kipling Public Library (until November 2nd) and at the front entrance of Kipling School (until November 4th). Some students will also be accepting donations of non-perishables when they’re out Trick of Treating.”
Amanda adds that the students plan to remain involved in the fight against hunger – even after the current Food Drive is over and hopes the lessons they learn will remain with them.
“The students plan to deliver the food that’s been donated to the Kipling Food Bank on November 4th.
After that, we plan to partner with our school SLC to put together Food Baskets around Christmas for families who may find the holiday season a financial struggle.
“I am hoping that the students will learn to stay active in their communities and want to create change when they see injustice – throughout their lives.”

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