Decorating contest - Cornerstone Credit Union is holding two contests to promote local businesses, including a decorating contest and an online contest that asks people to tag and share stories about businesses for a chance to win $100.

Cornerstone Credit Union offers cash prize to people

As we have worked to find our way through the uncertainties that have enveloped us over the past several months, many have come to appreciate how important it is to support local businesses in our communities.
This month, Cornerstone Credit Union is inviting businesses and members of the community to take part in two contests designed to showcase those businesses.
As Pennie Kimery (Cornerstone Credit Union – Kipling Branch) explains, the ‘Love Local for International Credit Union Day’ contest gives residents a chance to ‘win’ in a number of ways.
“Cornerstone Credit Union is very focused on promoting and supporting local businesses in our communities. So right now, we’re inviting people to come on to our Facebook Page and comment on one of our ‘Love Local for International Credit Union Day’ posts. In their comment, people are asked to tag a local business that they would like to support and talk about why that business is important.
Winners of this contest will be announced on Oct. 21st which is Credit Union Day, and those winners will receive a $100 Gift Card that they will be able to use at the local business of their choice. So, not only do individuals have the chance to win a nice prize, but local businesses really end up as ‘winners’ too.”
The second contest is focused on Kipling specifically and is one which holds special meaning for Kimery.
“The Kipling Branch of Cornerstone Credit Union is also holding an Autumn Decorating Contest for businesses that is being held in memory of Scott Kearns.
Scott Kearns was a visionary for Kipling. He had a passion for this community and for finding ways to make Kipling a better place to live and to visit. Scott was the one who started the Kipling Entrepreneurs Group and got things like the Bacon Festival and the Paperclip Trade Day going as well. He was a mentor and an inspiration for many people in this community, including myself.
This contest is also happening right now and will go on until Oct. 22nd. It’s really meant to encourage businesses to decorate and set up fall displays, just to brighten the community up and give people a ‘lift’. It’s not a big contest with a huge prize up for grabs. And decorating might seem like a small thing. But Scott was all about good ideas that started small – and about how those good ideas could grow if like-minded people got together.
So we decided to do this in honor of him – to benefit the community that he loved.”

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