Graduating class of 2022 - The Kipling High School graduating class of 2022 is (l-r), back row: Daniel Ogg, Aaron Borja, Justine Delos Reyes, Winston Grayson, Dylan Johanson, Tyler Lowenberger, Aiden Johanson, Jaxen Fischer, Trae DeDecker. Middle row: Cole Warner, Desta Johnson, Danielle White, Hanna Steele, Ana Kuhn, Jodelle Hall, Jaylyn Fonagy, Marieve Elliott, Kassandra Montaron, Connor Box. Front row: Rochelle Toth, Lexi Walker, Lanita Puffalt, Sam Ealey, Kiara Walker, Kiera Daku and Camille Joy Pagulayan. Missing: Samantha Allan (left inset) and Abby Nicholson (right inset).

Last Saturday, proud parents, family, friends and members of the community gathered in the Kipling School Gymnasium. They were there to celebrate the changes that have brought the Graduating Class of 2022 to an ending that will empower them to move forward and begin the next chapter of their lives.
Mayor Pat Jackson offered greetings on behalf of the Town of Kipling. She encouraged the graduates not to fear change – but rather to remain firm in their beliefs – yet flexible enough to make the choices that would be required of them.
Terry Berglund brought greetings from Prairie Valley School Division. She reminded the graduates that their success was both a gift and a blessing for those who had helped them reach this milestone in their lives.
“Your success is your parent’s reward” she explained. “Your success allows your teachers to know that they have made a difference.”
Berglund then went on to exhort the graduates to be the change that their world so desperately needs.
“You are needed now – more than ever. We need your new ideas – your creativity and your effort. You have seen the divisions in our nation. You have seen the chaos and pain that’s caused by war. We need each of you to do your part – to guide this nation to its full potential,” said Berglund.
There was time (of course) to take a joyful look back at the changes that led the graduates to this point.
Bonnie Jean Dash spoke fondly about the 9 senior band students that are leaving this year. And although she admitted that their absence would be felt – Dash assured the graduates that, “Each of you will achieve nothing less than greatness.”
Ashley Dew spoke on behalf of the teachers. She remembered some of the escapades that this “crew” of students had enjoyed as they had sailed their “ship” through the years.
Principal David Bircher advised the graduates to “Take the good advice that you heard today with you” and praised them saying “You’re all fantastic people.”
The graduates themselves also took time to enjoy their memories.
Kiara and Lexi Walker responded to Ashley Dew on behalf of the graduates, thanking the teachers at the school, who had helped to guide their growing up.
Desta Johnson and Trae Dedecker delighted their classmates with light-hearted predictions about where the changes waiting ahead might bring them.
Valedictorian Kassandra Montaron challenged her fellow graduates to “put effort in attaining your goals” and “reach your full potential.”
And as they face the changes that lay ahead, Montaron encouraged her classmates to remember the words of Theodore Roosevelt: “If you believe you can – you’re halfway there.”

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