Outstanding Awards Cassidy Kovach (left) of Kipling received the Wendy Davis Memorial Scholarship and Rosie Biesenthal of Kennedy received the Outstanding Journeyman Award.

Each year, the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission (SATCC) presents awards to apprentices, new journeypersons, employers, instructors and other apprenticeship stakeholders, for their exceptional achievements in apprenticeship and the skilled trades.
The Outstanding New Journeyperson’s Award is given to apprentices who have achieved the highest mark on their trade’s journeyperson certification exam between July 1, 2020 and June 30, 2021.
Among the 32 individuals who received that award this year was Rosie Biesenthal (Hair Stylist) of Kennedy.
Biesenthal says that she considered other career options after leaving high school.
“I took a year off after I left high school. I then trained as a Continuing Care Assistant and was working in that field. I liked the work. Taking care of people’s needs is something that I’ve always been led to do.
“But I found shiftwork difficult. And I also felt that I needed to have an artistic outlet. Working as a Stylist gives me the chance to take care of people’s needs, and also allows me to express myself artistically, while working a 9-5 schedule.”
She adds that she would encourage other young people to consider a career in the trades.
“If I had the opportunity to talk to high school students who were thinking about what career they would like, I would tell them that they don’t have to assume that they need to go into university as soon as they graduate.
“I think there’s taking some time off from studying after high school and thinking about what you would really like to do. I’d also tell them that it’s okay if they find themselves moving from one career into another. Nobody can ever take away the things that you’ve learned through your training and experience.”
Biesenthal says that she is happy to have received this award.
“I take a great deal of pride in my work and I’m honored and pleased to have received an award that recognizes that. I’ve worked hard. But I’ve found my ‘niche’ and I sincerely love what I do.”
The Wendy Davis Memorial Scholarship is awarded to women who have achieved the highest mark on the journeyperson certification exam in a trade where women have traditionally been under-represented.
Cassidy Kovach (welder) from Kipling was awarded the Wendy Davis Memorial Scholarship this year.
“I always knew that I wanted to have a ‘hands-on’ career in the trades and welding really sparked my interest” Kovach says.
“It’s really satisfying to have the skills to build things. And there is always something new to learn with all of the different welding processes and materials.”
She goes on to say that she is thankful to have been chosen for an award, which recognizes the hard work that was needed for her to become certified in her chosen trade.
“I’m very grateful to have received this award. I had to overcome a lot of challenges throughout my apprenticeship training. So, it feels pretty good to be recognized.”
Kovach says that she would tell any young woman thinking about a career in a trade that has been male dominated in the past, to continue working towards the goal that she’s set for herself.
“I would encourage her to go for it! Even if you decide to take a different path in life, the skills and experiences you are going to gain as an apprentice are pretty invaluable.
“You might find there is a stigma that you have to work harder than your male peers. Some may look down on you as though you are privileged to be there. Just remember that at the end of the day, your only competition is yourself.”

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