Paying respect - First responders line the street and salute as the procession of Cst. Shelby Patton of the Indian Head RCMP drives through Wolseley on Tuesday through hundreds of onlookers. Cst. Patton was run down and killed on the morning of June 12 while attempting to stop a stolen vehicle in Wolseley. Two people from Manitoba have been charged in his death (top). RCMP officers prepare to carry Cst. Shelby Patton from a hearse into the funeral home in Wolseley on Tuesday following a procession (bottom left). Cst. Karen Wyatt with RCMP Traffic Division hugs a family friend of Cst. Shelby Patton during a procession held in Wolseley on Tuesday (center). Cst. Shelby Patton (right).

Holding flowers and homemade cards in their hands, 10-year old Norah St. Louis and her seven-year-old sister Lainey were just two of hundreds of people who lined the streets in […]

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