In an effort to minimize and contain the spread of COVID-19, the Saskatchewan Health Authority is implementing visitor restrictions effective immediately for SHA-operated hospitals, clinics, community and continuing care facilities.

For patients who are in critical care or high acuity units in SHA hospitals, visitors will be restricted to one at a time, unless extenuating circumstances exist. 

All community, foundation and other public and spiritual gatherings within any SHA-operated facility are on hold effective immediately until further notice. 

SHA is suspending the services provided by community volunteers who are 65 years of age or older, in non-essential service areas.

“We appreciate their service and dedication, and thank them for their support. However, we need to ensure proper measures are taken to limit non-essential community interaction in our facilities. Non-essential volunteer service areas are determined by each individual facility,” said in a news release.

​”We acknowledge the importance of family support to both those who are healing within our hospitals and residents in long-term care homes. However, we are asking families recognize that our patients and long-term residents are higher at-risk group for illness, especially COVID-19.”

Please delay your visit under the following circumstances:

If you have any respiratory or gastric symptoms such as a common cold symptoms, diarrhea/vomiting.

If you have travelled outside the province within the last 14 days or have flu-like symptoms do not visit long-term care homes, clinics or hospitals.

​While SHA isn’t restricting visitation at this point outside of critical care areas, they are asking all family members and visitors to be diligent with all illness prevention, which includes limiting the number of visitors to loved ones in hospitals or homes. Please consider virtual visiting through electronic applications such as Facetime, Skype and WhatsApp. 

Hand washing/sanitization stations are available at all facility entrances and we request that anyone entering our facilities practice proper hand hygiene upon entry.

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