(Sijia Liu / Global News)

Premier Scott Moe has spoken about the ongoing labour dispute between Unifor 594 and Federated Co-op Limited (FCL), offering the conditional appointment of a special mediator if Unifor 594 ceases illegal activities immediately.

During an address to Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA) delegates, the Premier announced that the Government of Saskatchewan would appoint a special mediator in the ongoing labour dispute between Unifor 594 and FCL, on the condition that Unifor 594 agrees to cease all illegal activities, including removing the unlawful barricades immediately.

“As Premier I will act on options available under the labour laws of our province, starting with the conditional appointment of a special mediator,” said Moe. “I will appoint a special mediator today – a tool available to me under the labour laws of Saskatchewan – if and only if Unifor 594 follows the law. It is my strong belief that a negotiated settlement is in the best interests of both parties, and by removing the barricades and accepting the assistance of a special mediator in the negotiations, I believe both parties will be well served.”

The Premier also stated that if Unifor did not accept this offer, that it is his expectation that the Regina Police Service uphold the law, enforce the court order, and remove the barricades at the Co-op Refinery. This will ensure that important fuel is supplied to communities across Saskatchewan that use diesel to heat homes in the winter, for school buses to transport kids, for emergency vehicles such as ambulances and fire trucks, and for industries that drive our economy such as agriculture and mining.

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