Indian Head RCMP were recently notified of a suspicious occurrence in Montmartre, SK and police are asking the public to remain vigilant when it comes to the ever evolving world of scams.  In the morning of September 3, 2019 a Caucasian male went to a residence in Montmartre requesting entry identifying himself as a SaskPower worker.  He had a lanyard around his neck with an ID card attached to it. The well-dressed Caucasian male said that he had received an email from the homeowners with a request to do repairs of the outlets, lights and switches inside the residence. The homeowners had not sent any such email, and when they refused him entry, the male advised he made a mistake and quickly left the property in a brown SUV marked with SaskPower logos. ?xml:namespace prefix = “o” ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /

Police have confirmed with SaskPower that the male was not sent by their company and that they only use white vehicles in their fleet.  Public are also reminded that the work requested by this male is completed by an electrician hired by homeowners.  This type of work is not completed by SaskPower employees.

Police are asking that the public remain vigilant and report any suspicious occurrences to the RCMP or your local police.

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