Effective immediately, Saskatchewan residents will no longer be subject to limits when they bring beverage alcohol home with them from another province or territory within Canada for their own personal use.

“Our government is committed to the removal of unnecessary trade barriers to allow the free flow of goods between provinces for the benefit of industry and consumers,” Trade and Export Development Minister Jeremy Harrison said.  “This change will mean Saskatchewan residents can bring beverage alcohol home with them from another province or territory in Canada for their own personal use without restrictions.”

Most Canadian provinces and territories have limits on the volume of alcohol residents can bring home with them from another province or territory.  With this change Saskatchewan joins Alberta, Manitoba, and Nova Scotia as provinces with no limits on the volume of alcohol that can be brought into the province for personal use.

The changes only apply to interprovincial importation limits.  No changes have been made regarding the alcohol duty free allowance when Canadians bring back alcohol from another country.  The federal government establishes those limits.

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