Julie Payette poses for her official photo in the Long Gallery at Rideau Hall, in Ottawa, Ontario, on August 8th, 2017, ahead of her installation ceremony as the 29th Governor General of Canada. Julie Payette pose pour sa photo officielle dans le Grand salon ˆ Rideau Hall ˆ Ottawa, en Ontario, le 8 aožt 2017, en amont de sa cŽrŽmonie dÕinstallation ˆ titre de 29e gouverneure gŽnŽrale du Canada. Credit: Sgt Johanie Maheu, Rideau Hall, OSGG
Premier Scott Moe has announced that Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette, Governor General of Canada, will visit Saskatchewan October 18 to 20.

“On behalf of the people of Saskatchewan, I am honoured to welcome Her Excellency to our province for her first official visit,” Moe said.  “We look forward to sharing the Saskatchewan story with the Governor General through a number of great programs that will exemplify our provincial motto: From many peoples, strength.”

As part of her first official visit to Saskatchewan, Her Excellency is planning to meet with Saskatchewan Lieutenant Governor W. Thomas Molloy at Government House, tour Regina’s iconic Wascana Park, take in a performance by the Canadian Forces Snowbirds, and attend a Humboldt Broncos hockey game.

Details of the visit are subject to change without notice.

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