Gwen Schick shown here paired with Ruth Crow who lives in a long-term care facility. This photograph was taken prior to the COVID-19 pandemic. (Red Cross Photo)

Gwen Schick is retired; she has been for a few years now, but it didn’t take long for Gwen to realize that she missed the people that she would meet while traveling for work.  

Like many retirees of Melville, Gwen started volunteering as a way to keep in contact with people and stay social. The Friendly Phone volunteer program offered by the Canadian Red Cross in Saskatchewan was the perfect opportunity. It’s a program that pairs up volunteers with senior citizens. The volunteers place calls on a weekly basis to touch base and chat; sort of like a telephone pen pal. The simple friendly phone call means a lot, especially to those who feel out of touch with others or live alone. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has created an even greater need for the service that makes a great deal of difference in helping seniors manage through social isolation.  Volunteers are, of course, not limited to weekly calls and have started to try to call more frequently in light of current circumstances. They’re also stepping up to make sure that the seniors they call have sufficient food and medication so as to assist in organizing deliveries if necessary.  

“We do a lot of reading,” explained Gwen in a blog posted by the Red Cross. “Stories help to open the conversation because she (Ruth Crow) is still really bright. We talk about her life experiences… The amount of time doesn’t matter. Even short contact is so meaningful. Such a little thing makes such a big difference. I love it. I really love it.”

Ruth and Gwen were paired over a year ago and it has made a positive impact on Ruth as well as her family, who are grateful to have the additional support. 

“It brings me companionship, something to look forward to each week,” said Ruth to the Red Cross. “Conversation really brightens my day.”

Learn more about the Red Cross Friendly Phone Program in Saskatchewan. Contact Shawna Green, Friendly Phone Program Coordinator by phone at 306-216-6602 or by email at

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