Between August of 2015 and September 2015, the Moosomin RCMP with the assistance of Regina Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit (CFSEU) conducted an investigation into drug trafficking in the Moosomin area, dubbed Project FERRANT. As a result of the investigation, 60 grams of cocaine, two vehicles, and $6900.00 cash was seized. The following individuals have been charged with various possession, trafficking and Criminal Code related offenses:

Daun Valerie Molnar, 35 yrs. old from Moosomin, SK:
•Trafficking cocaine (x6);
•Possession of morphine;
•Proceeds of crime under $5000
Lisa Marie Desaulniers, 28 yrs. old from Moosomin, SK:
•Trafficking cocaine (x2);
•Trafficking marihuana;
•Proceeds of crime under $5000

Kyle Lawrence Casselman, 19 yrs. old from Moosomin, SK:
•Trafficking cocaine (x3);
•Proceeds of crime under $5000

Jessica Darlene Olagaon, 24 yrs. old from Moosomin, SK:
•Trafficking marihuana;
•Proceeds of crime under $5000

Daun Molnar, Lisa Desaulnuiers, and Kyle Casselman were remanded for Court on September 14, 2015. Jessica OLAFSON was released for court appearance on November 3, 2015 at Moosomin Provincial Court.

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