High school football heads into final rounds
Following two rough exhibition games in early September, the Indian Head Broncs have had a stellar season. The high school football team played five...
Kennedy man among top outriders on WPCA tour
Nolan Cameron learned to be comfortable in a saddle at an early age.As a former competitive figure skater, the 22-year-old from Kennedy, SK also...
Local athletes get medals at Canada Summer Games
Team Sask members Ayva Delaney and Lucas Musschoot earn bronze and gold during the 2022 Canada Summer Games at Canada Games Park, in Niagara,...
Round Lake Braves win SEMFL title
After two consecutive years as league champions, the Grenfell Gems had their Southeast Men’s Fastball League (SEMFL) title stripped away from them by the...
Riot’s Raffey chosen to be on Team Canada
Women’s Football is an emerging sport across the country and world, and one Whitewood local is at the top of her sport.Hailee Raffey, a...
Adaptive sports clinic held in Indian Head
Indian Head residents experienced the excitement of shooting hoops while sitting in a wheelchair and scoring a goal while strapped to a sledge during...
SWF Angling and Henry Kelsey Big Game Awards
It was a night of food, drinks, and recognition at the Horizon Credit Union Centre in Melville during the Saskatchewan Wildlife Federation Provincial Angling...
Curlers return to Saskatchewan’s largest event
Whitewood Farmers and Friends Bonspiel
The annual Farmers & Friends Bonspiel in Whitewood, taking place next weekend, March 24 to 27, is reminiscent in some...
Indian Head girls’ basketball team are conference champs
The senior basketball teams from Indian Head High School celebrated significant wins during the 3A Conferences last weekend.It was an exciting time for the...
Snowmobile derbies held over long weekend
Mother Nature’s impact on Melville’s Showstoppers Snowmobile Club (SSC) annual poker derby, held Saturday, produced mixed results. Meanwhile Whitewood’s derby was deemed a huge...