Adaptive sports clinic held in Indian Head
Indian Head residents experienced the excitement of shooting hoops while sitting in a wheelchair and scoring a goal while strapped to a sledge during...
Little Caste Childcare exploring options for new facility
Little Castle Childcare Centre (LCCC) in Indian Head is looking for a new location. The board of directors held a public meeting on April...
Public health orders extended to February 28
Saskatchewan’s current public health orders will be extended to February 28, 2022.Under the current public health orders, masking is mandatory in all indoor public...
Is climate change bringing early tornado sightings?
The sighting of funnel clouds last week in southern Saskatchewan had many questioning our weather patterns as well as climate change that is being...
Understanding the African Canadian culture in rural Sask.
The stories of African Canadian immigrants who moved to rural Saskatchewan are rare but just as important as everyone else’s.On June 22, residents of...