Donna Strudwick

RM Edenwold

Voter participation in the RM of Edenwold’s recent by-election for reeve more than doubled compared with the municipality’s last vote for its head of council.
Returning officer Donna Strudwick told council at its regular meeting Nov. 14 that 769 ballots were counted in the by-election, up from 197 ballots in 2010. This year’s turnout represented 17 per cent of the population compared with seven per cent in the previous vote for reeve.
The Oct. 25 by-election saw former Division 3 councillor Al Trainor defeat former Division 1 councillor by a count of 489-280.
Strudwick added that advance polls were extremely busy and recommended additional polling stations be utilized in future elections.
Council Conduct Concerns
Following her report, Strudwick shared concerns with unspecified council members’ conduct in the lead-up to the by-election.
“During the days leading up to the election, incumbent councillors collectively participated in a campaign by publicly expressing their personal views and promoting their favoured outcome for the election,” Strudwick said, noting that her comments “are not to be construed” with her role as returning officer.
“Such action from … an elected official is not what one would expect. Moreover it sends the wrong message to anyone who may be considering running for office.
“Prior to carrying out any power of office, each member of council is required to sign an oath of office which states ‘I will truly, faithfully and impartially perform the duties of this office.’ Public perception matters, and your action during the campaign could be considered a contravention of your oath and your moral or ethical standards.”
Strudwick also expressed concern over an unspecified individual who she said posted a photo of their marked ballot to social media, in violation of the provincial Local Government Election Act.
She concluded her comments by advising council of her resignation, which was submitted earlier that morning, from the RM’s boards of development appeals and revision.
Trainor Talks Transparency
The meeting opened with Trainor’s first address to council as reeve, focused largely on communication and transparency with the municipality’s ratepayers.
Trainor suggested expanding ratepayer communications beyond social media, potentially by holding town hall-style public meetings at a variety of locations throughout the RM.
According to draft minutes from the meeting, Trainor also emphasized a need to better address concerns from the public as well as the perception of an excessive urban influence on council.
Motions Passed
Council also approved a number of resolutions at the meeting, including one to renew its Community Safety Officer Agreement for Service with the towns of Balgonie and Pilot Butte as well as the RM of Lajord for the 2024 calendar year.
The resolution however noted the RM will also allow its agreement with the village of McLean to expire at the end of this year, as the RM feels it “is unable to provide the level of service required to meet the needs” of the village.
Another resolution will see a speed limit reduction along a section of Highway 624 north of Zehner from 80 to 60 km/h. Two “children at play” signs will also be installed alongside the roadway at cost to the ratepayer who requested them.
Prior to passing that resolution, new Division 1 councillor Carmen Leibel had introduced a motion, which was defeated, to retain the 80 km/h speed limit and not install signage.
Council later accepted two proposals from Prairie Road Solutions, totalling just over $84,000, for surfacing of a section of the service road south of Balgonie as well as reconstruction of a portion of grid road 2185 west of Pilot Butte.
Council also received an update from Invenergy on its proposed renewable energy project in the neighbouring RM of Lajord, acknowledged the hiring of Jessica Mitchell as the RM’s new senior planner, and rescinded a motion (originally approved Oct. 24) to accept a quote of $523,828.61 from Finning for a 2024 Caterpillar 160JOY-BR grader.

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