Snow White reflects - Snow White (Dee Lyke), far right, reminisces about her not-so-happily ever after experiences during a performance by the Stage Left Players in Indian Head on Nov. 26.

Stage Left Players Perform

Another stellar production was put on by the Stage Left Players at the Grand Theatre in Indian Head last weekend. The community theatre group presented two performances of A Snow White Christmas, by Canadian playwright Norm Foster, on Nov. 25 and 26.
The witty re-imagination of a classic fairy tale transported the audience to a not-so-happily ever after depiction of Snow White’s life after Prince Charming left her to run away with Cinderella. The play began with Snow White (Dee Lyke) working as the proprietor of Ye Olde Sweat Shoppe during the Christmas season. The former princess had fallen on hard times and concluded that she must commission Max (Kyra Nelson), who worked in the candy store, to sell a magic mirror that Snow White took from the wicked queen. Although Max and Snow White both demonstrated the effectiveness of the mirror (voiced by Alyson Kidd), no one seemed willing to purchase the enchanted object. However, two scoundrels Freddy (Connor Johnston) and Derek (Nicholas Rennebohm) devised a scheme to get the mirror by kidnapping Prudence (Joni Lamb), one of the orphans Snow White had adopted to work in her shop. Prudence and the other children were portrayed by members of the Grade 5-6 choir from Indian Head Elementary School. Although they did not have any spoken lines in the play, their songs were interspersed throughout the script and they were accompanied by Valentina May.
Other characters in the play included the wicked queen’s gallant son Vincent Charming (Father Francis Hengen) who sought to win Snow White’s affection and gain access to the magic mirror through his flattery and flowery speech. The buxom Fairly Good Mother (Tracy Gostick) also made an appearance and attempted to help solve Snow White’s problems in her quest to become a Fairy Godmother. After some suspense regarding the fate of the kidnapped orphan and various individuals bungled attempts to acquire the magic mirror, the play concluded with Prudence’s safe return, a repentant Charming being reconciled with Snow White, and the reunion of Freddy with his long-lost love.
The show was met with tremendous applause from the audience who felt there was just the right amount of humor, drama, suspense, and romance for everyone. Many volunteers contributed to the production’s success. Along with the cast, Linda Kort was the Stage Manager, several others served as stage crew or prompters, and Cory Rennebohm oversaw the lights and sound for the show. They were well-supported by community members who attended the performances.
Proceeds from tickets went entirely to support the renovation project at the Grand Theatre and at Sunday night’s performance, Director John Kort happily presented a cheque for $5,000 to theatre board vice-chair Jolene Nelson.

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