Fun science project - Grade 2 students at Kipling School created dioramas that featured various habitats as part of their study of animals in science class. Teacher Meagan Dew says that the students were excited about the project that showcases what they’ve learned about each habitat and the animals that live in them.

Recently, Grade 2 students at Kipling School were able to gain a new perspective on some of the various habitats that exist in our world, and the ways in which different creatures have adapted to live in each of these unique places.
As Grade 2 Teacher Meagan Dew explains: “One of our science units is about animals and the different habitats that they live in. We learned how some animals have had to adapt to live in their habitat. For example, we talked about how a camel’s feet have adapted to walk in the sand and its ability to ‘store’ water for itself means that it’s perfectly suited to live in a desert habitat.
“As part of our study, each student made a diorama that featured one of six different habitats (Rain Forest, Forest, Grasslands, Ocean, Desert & Arctic) along with some of the creatures that live there.
“Each student brought their own box to school. Then they created their diorama inside the box using some supplies I’d purchased and materials that we found in the school’s Art Room.
“Several students decided to do an Ocean Diorama (because they were so excited about the huge variety of creatures that live in the ocean). As well, some students chose to do a forest or an arctic diorama.”
Dew says that her students were excited to create their diorama and share some of what they had learned.
“The students were so excited about this project! They had a great time finding things to put in their diorama and finding out more about the different animals that lived there!”
She added that the students were also able to take the first steps towards understanding the importance of valuing and protecting the world that provides a perfect ‘home’ for all creatures… including ourselves.
“At this level, we don’t really focus too much on the topic of environmental protection. That’s something that the students dive into more in later grades. However, we did talk about things such as how important it is to reduce the pollution in the oceans and how cutting down too many trees in the forest can impactthe animals that live there.
“A couple of the students that chose to do a Forest Diorama mentioned that they lived on a farm where there are a lot of trees and bush. So, I think that the students might have gained some understanding of how the same place can be ‘home’ to us and to many other living creatures too.”

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