Christmas parade enthusiasts - Rylee Polvi and Blake Laxdal thoroughly enjoyed watching the Kipling & District Parade of Lights with their moms Sydney Polvi and Danielle Laxdal on Dec. 11.

Kipling & District Lions

It starts with a good idea.
Once that good idea takes root, it can be surprising how quickly it can grow to become a tradition.
Last Saturday, folks in Kipling had the opportunity to see this happen, at the first annual Kipling & District Lions Parade of Lights.
Dawn Manns (one of the organizers of the event) says that the good idea that would become the Kipling & District Lions Parade of Lights…was sown last year.
“Last year, a group of us wanted to do something that would give the kids a bit of joy. So, we decorated a truck and trailer with lights, and had Santa ride on the trailer as we drove around town.
It was just one truck, one trailer, and Santa. But people seemed to really enjoy it, especially the kids!”
She goes on to explain how one truck, and one trailer, turned into a parade.
““The Kipling & District Lions Club held a daytime parade two years ago for our ‘Winter Wonderland’ Carnival.
But Tara Carter and I were talking about how much people had enjoyed seeing Santa’s trailers decorated with lights last year. She also mentioned how many houses in town were lit up this year.
Tara and I are both Lions’ members. So, we decided to go to the membership with the idea of organizing an evening parade, and inviting businesses to decorate their floats with Christmas lights. The membership agreed that it was a good idea, and so we went ahead with it.”
Manns adds that the idea received enthusiastic support.
“We had Lions Club members helping with the parade and Tim Hortons donated hot chocolate and cookies that we were handing out at a stand on Main Street. A fair number of people came out to watch. We also had some great entries…, the winning entry coming from the Kipling Fire Department.
So, I think that the parade turned out pretty good!!
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone again next year, at the next ‘Parade of Lights’!”

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