More than 900 students evacuated by bomb threat

At approximately 9:35 a.m. today, Kindersley RCMP received a report of a bomb at a Kindersley school. No school was specifically identified.

RCMP have been in contact with officials at the Sun West School Division. Sun West School Division made the decision to evacuate all of the schools in the community. Parents are in the process of being contacted to collect their children from safe locations where they have been transported.

The schools currently affected are as follows:

· Kindersley Composite School – grades 8-12 – 352 students
· Elizabeth Elementary School – K-7 – 275 students
· Westberry Elementary School – preK-7 – 290 students
· indEP School (Independent Education School (considered part of Kindersley Composite School and their student numbers)
· Great Plains College has also been evacuated. (specific student statistics not available)

RCMP are asking parents not attend to the schools and follow the directions outlined by Sun West School Division. Parents and residents in the vicinity of these schools listed above are asked to please respect all safety barricades that have been established by the RCMP or direction given by police officers at the scene.

UPDATE: A police walk through of all schools was completed and nothing suspicious was located at this time. Kindersley RCMP is continuing to investigate.

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